Please, take my card …

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September 4, 2017 [John C. Fremont Park]

Portrait by the endearing Mr. Esteban Villa.

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By Michael Joseph Mikolan

Pencil and watercolor

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Theodore Judah Elementary [SCUSD]

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Washington Elementary [SCUSD]

Photo: Missy Guild [Shelly Guild]

Remember that band I told you about, the one that left New York in 1976, and made its way to California? Yeah, that band.

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Stamford, Connecticut [1973]

Photo: Mike Stenzler

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After a basement audition, that band was offered, and then signed, a record contract with Charles Green’s Etcetera Records.

Charles Green: Signed Buffalo Springfield, and produced their first record. He managed Caesar & Cleopatra, before they became Sonny & Cher. Other production credits include Iron Butterfly and Dr. John.

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Green was none-too-happy to learn we consulted with a big time entertainment lawyer regarding the pros and cons of his contract.

Then, somehow he caught wind that we did an on-the-sly audition over at Columbia Records. That’s when Charles Green dropped us like a proverbial hot potato. After that, we cooled off just enough to learn Columbia passed on our demos.

Actually, my first record was released in 1971. At the beginning of my senior year, I approached the group of students and faculty advisors tasked with producing the annual senior yearbook. I suggested that the inclusion of a sound recording would be a novel feature. Nobody on staff had any idea as to just what this would entail, or how it could be achieved, but remarkably, a budget was established, and I was given carte blanche to lug recording gear throughout the corridors of Plainedge High School. I did all the editing at home. As a result, nobody was sure of what I was up to. The staff sort of humored me as I went about my business. However, it was quite a surprise when I produced a recording that encapsulated much of the senior year experience. There were interviews with teachers, councilors, administrators, and students, on all subjects, from curriculum, discipline, the senior trip, and school spirit. There were clips from pep rallies, board meetings, field trips, the senior musical, the stage band, and of course I had to throw in a little controversy.

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This was the first-ever high school yearbook to come with a record. ‘Sound Editor Tony Galioto'

Yep, that was me!

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Old Blue Eyes gave me my first big break.

This was huge!

Some final words about these guys …

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After leaving New York, we worked twenty-two consecutive months in Everywhere, USA, six nights a week, four and a half hours a night.

Newly minted as The Cast, we arrived in Sacramento, on Sunday, August 6, 1978.

We were tight!